A Time of Giving

Here at Inphonite we are lucky to be surrounded by great, caring people and to have jobs we love and that can support us. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky. When I go home to spend Christmas with my family I am certain of a few things: a roof over my head, delicious food to be shared, and presents for everyone to open that lie beneath a tree that we spent hours decorating. I am thankful for that every day because I know there are so many people that don’t have the luxuries that I do, or even the basic things I sometimes take for granted.

Technology Helps Stamp Out No Shows!

Customers call and ask us all the time, “How can your software reduce no-shows?” We tell them, it’s not as simple as just having our software. “It’s how you use it that really brings results.” Now while you may be chuckling to yourself thinking you’ve heard similar in other situations, it really is true.

Top 10 Things Inphonite is Thankful For

The holidays are fast approaching and like many, we choose to see Thanksgiving as the last moments of serenity before the year-end madness that is about to ensue. We have a potluck and spend time in reflection, revisiting moments of the last year finding pride in things accomplished and memories of laughter, tears or contemplation. There are a lot of “Remember when’s…”

A Note on Product Longevity

I always love it when I pick up the phone and there is a happy customer on the other end. I am not talking about just happy, but completely and totally happy, for years. Just the other day a customer called out of the blue. He started out by saying, “Is this JulySoft? The makers of ReminderPro??” I answered affirmatively. He went on to explain that his system is working just fine and has been for years, but that he is upgrading his database, or rather EMR system and is pretty sure he will need help to update his import that pulls the data from the database in order to make his reminder calls.

Refreshed by Microsoft Build

We attended the Microsoft Partner conference with a completely open mind this past Summer, wondering what we might learn and what people we would meet in Toronto. We were unprepared for the vastness of the event, though we hung in there and paved our own way as we are apt to do.

Goodbye MGMA 2012

The booth is packed and on its way back home, the bags are returned lighter without all the giveaways and swag, and our representatives have arrived safely back home last week. Since MGMA 2012 came to a close I am left to reflect on all the hard work everyone has done to get us to San Antonio this year.  Shipments made, artwork designed, flights arranged, rooms booked, meetings scheduled, conference attended, and so much more, all of which took exceptional amounts of coordination and planning.  I have always known that Inphonite was comprised of dedicated and organized individuals but never have I been more confident in  everyone’s ability to work together to accomplish a goal. 

Proud Microsoft Partner attends Build 2012

We arrived to the usual mix of wet Washington weather and stop-and-go traffic with a sense of excitement for the week-long developer’s conference. As we unpacked our suitcases and turned on the hotel room TV set, our thoughts wandered to what lie ahead.

Inphonite Gives Back at MGMA 2012

Have you ever attended a tradeshow? Did you know that the electricity, carpet, trash cans, plants, chairs, tvs and various other items are all beingrentedby those of us that have booths? It really is a wonder that companies would rather spend money to rent a cardboard trashcan for $15/day rather than buying a plastic one at Walmart for $5.

Inphonite Culture

I am having a bad day. My hair is a wreck. I tripped up the stairs. My monitor is on the fritz and my coffee date canceled. So I went out to lunch and I came back and blew bubbles. This got me thinking. Gregory, a colleague, was chosen for Federal Jury Duty. He was gone for several weeks. One employee thought it would be fun to put “caution tape” in Greg’s office. What started out as a small idea blew up into a full blown crime scene, and at the center of it, the President of Inphonite lay “dead.”

MGMA 2012

It’s that time of year again—the postcards have been sent out, the art work approved and completed, swag purchased, marketing materials printed and gathered and work has been busier than ever. In a couple of days our annual trip to the MGMA Conference will be upon us, this time in the lovely city of San Antonio. Our representatives will be looking their finest, sporting their blue Inphonite shirts and welcoming guests with a warm smile.