Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the most frequently asked questions from our customers and find find the answers you're looking for.

General Question

How do I pay my bill?

Payments can be made from within the app. We now accept ACH as well as credit card payments.

How can I access my account?

Access from anywhere on virtually any modern device with our touch-friendly interface at

What is Inphonite?

Inphonite revolutionizes scheduling and communication for you and your patients. Effective and efficient in making the most out your day-to-day scheduling needs through engagement.

How do I get started?

Give us a call at 800-350-7693 or fill out our contact form, available here, and our team will help you from there!

Inphonite On-the-go? (Mobile)

View your queued up reminders and generate reports on the fly. Need to send a quick message for today's schedule? We got you covered.

When do my Reminders go out?

This will be determined by what you have discussed with your implementation engineer. The window of opportunity (typically about 4 hours) is when your reminders should be delivered within.


What are credits?

Credits are used by Inphonite to deliver voice calls, texts, and emails. By using credits, we are able to break up your actual cost based on the type of message you send.

What's a completed voice message?

Inphonite only charges for completed voice messages. We do not charge when the call is busy or if we don't get an answer until the calling session is over. (A calling session is the number of times you tell us to try that number.) Once a call is connected, Inphonite charges 1 credit per 2 minutes of the call. Most notifications delivered by Inphonite are less than 2 minutes, so even if Inphonite tries 3 times to deliver the voice message, the voice call will likely only cost you 1 credit.

My reminders were incorrect. Will my credits be refunded?

If for any reason we do experience an outage of our services, call credits for paid users will be refunded to your account. However, there will be no compensation for Trial users. We also do not provide refunds for messages that were setup with improper contact information, including and not limited to area codes, phone numbers, email addresses, dates, times, or using the improper time zone or message preference. Please double check your calls/texts and understand that if you're sending out a call/text from a specified time zone, the call/text will be sent out at that time to ALL your callers and is not adjusted for each phone number's local time zone unless set up with separate location settings. Additionally, if using the mobile application of InphoniteVoice, Inphonite will not reimburse or refund any credits for any messages that were “butt-dialed” or accidentally selected to be sent.


Is Inphonite compatible with my EMR?

Inphonite has a flexible import/export module which allows us to integrate with most environments quickly and easily. Our implementation engineers will work together with you to test your system and data and ensure it works before you pay anything.

Which wireless carriers does Inphonite support?

We support making calls and sending text to all wireless carriers. Optional text-to-email functionality can be used to send text messages as well.


Can clients confirm or cancel their appointments when they get a call?

Yes. With Inphonite, your clients can press a key on their telephone keypad to confirm or cancel their appointment or perform other actions (e.g. transfer to an operator, repeat the message, leave you a return message, etc.)

Can patients confirm or cancel their appointments for email and text reminders?

Yes, they may. Inphonite will allow your clients to respond by either clicking a link in the message, or by replying to the message with a keyword (e.g. “Confirm”, “Reschedule”, etc.)

What phone number do patients see on their caller ID?

A number can be specified that is already being used for your practice, so that contacts being called will see a number they recognize. For texting, it will be the Toll-Free Number assigned to your account.

Can a patient Opt-Out of my messages?

Patients can be imported with a flag specifying that they do not want to be called, or phone numbers can be added to a global Do Not Call list, so that patients who do not wish to receive messages will not.

Can Inphonite send out messages that are not reminders?

Inphonite is both an inbound and outbound calling system. Many customers also use it for things such as birthday greetings, marketing messages, private lab results, home delivery appointments, and recalls.

Can Inphonite send out reminders in a language other than English?

Text-to-speech engines are available in almost any language. Click here for a list of available languages. Or, you may always record your own message in any language.

Technical Questions

How does Inphonite get our appointment information?

Inphonite can attain information from your host system a couple different ways.
1. Generate a report (file) containing all appointment information needed from your scheduling system and Inphonite will import the data from that file automatically.
2. Use a direct database connection (e.g. ODBC, OLEDB, or connection string) and no file export is required and the import is completely automated.

How does Inphonite know who to call/when to call?

Your Implementation Engineer will help you configure the Inphonite Rules during the setup process to determine who to contact, when to contact, etc.

What happens with busy signals and no answer responses?

Inphonite can be configured in any number of diverse ways depending on how busy/no answers are handled. We can retry the number, try a different number, use a different delivery method, and/or play different messages accordingly.

How does Inphonite know if it's a live person or a voicemail?

Inphonite goes beyond industry standards using its own proprietary method for determining if it is a live person or answering machine, dubbed “Dynamic Call Detection.”


What is the implementation process?

To aid in the implementation process, we assign you a single Implementation Specialist to guide you toward, “going live”. The Specialist will configure and test the program and provide hands-on training so you learn how to use the program while creating the exact messages you need.

How long does it take to be up and running after I purchase the software?

The time it takes to complete an implementation varies based on your specific needs but we strive to meet your deadlines.


Are appointment reminders allowed under HIPAA?

Please check with your lawyer or HIPAA compliance officer for details. We are not lawyers and therefore, this information should not be considered legal advice. However, in answer to the question: Yes. Traditional appointment reminders are allowed and considered an integral part of patient care. Additionally, it is best practice to always receive prior authorization from patients, including their preferred contact method to send reminders to.

Will Inphonite sign a business associate agreement (BAA)?

We can provide our annually updated BAA for signatures, or if customers want to provide their own, or edits to ours, there may be a nominal fee. Talk to your Sales Representative to find out more.

What information is contained in a general medical appointment reminder?

Inphonite is completely customizable to meet your needs. However, it is important to use minimum necessary information for all appointment reminders. We suggest the following: Patient First Name, Appointment Date, Appointment Time, Dr. Name (instead of clinic name). i.e. “James has an appointment with Dr. Smith June 3rd at 1pm” Additionally, we can include various details such as location, along with reminders to bring co-pays and insurance cards, etc.

What technical security measures are in place?

Inphonite includes encryption of data in transit and at rest, real time advanced database security and threat assessment, per-user accounts, complex passwords and password rules, formal risk assessment, virus scans, regular security reviews, reporting and internal notifications to let us know if anything is amiss. Additionally, Inphonite is a Microsoft Certified partner having a BAA in place with Microsoft and is afforded many securities by using Microsoft Azure.

Have you ever had a reportable data breach?

Inphonite has never had a data breach which required reporting. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, we have never had a data breach of any kind. We take security extremely seriously. Inphonite has been approved and is used daily by many of the largest medical organizations in the United States. We also carry multiple insurance policies, work regularly with our legal team and invest heavily in training each of our employees regarding all new security mandates and new technologies.

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